대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 노은동룸싸롱 관저동룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 노은동룸싸롱 관저동룸싸롱
However, even though there was no problem with hearing, there
seemed to be no benefit to reading sentences, which was a maj
or obstacle when taking control of the military and
of the occupied territory.Still less than two months since first contac
t with the Kingdom of Moravia. The training of interpreters is being
carried out with the support of Neustria, but it is not yet usable for
practical use, and as of now, local people are being conscripted to
decipher Moravian books.In addition, if deciphering it becomes an
advanced technical material―――a magic book, then it is comple
tely abandoned in its current state.Since the object was an object, th
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 노은동룸싸롱 관저동룸싸롱
is was not something that could be entrusted to the humans of N
eustria, and the Soviet Union needed to get the magicians they we
re driving out of the Moravian occupation zone into their own han
ds as collaborators.And, this interview was definitely directly relate
d to that issue.As she reads the words written on the page, Clarissa
‘s expression, which had been tinged with confusion, changes to a
cool one.Eventually, Clarissa, who finished reading, placed the paper
on the desk and glared directly at Lekin.“Don’t play around. “Betrayi
ng your homeland is something that is absolutely impossible.”He say
s it as if he is throwing up. It was a pledge. To become a naturalized
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 노은동룸싸롱 관저동룸싸롱
citizen of the Soviet Union by pledging loyalty to the party and servi
ce to the people.Clarissa’s reaction was as expected, but Lekin didn’t s
eem to be offended and just shrugged his shoulders.“That’s a great
ttitude.”Not only that, but he even smiled as if praising Clarissa.This tim
e, seeing the change in Clarissa’s completely confused expression, Leki
n said “Excuse me”, took out a paper-folded cigarette from his chest, lit
it with a match.Clarissa faintly frowned, probably because she didn’t like
the cigarette smoke being spit out.Lekin spoke as if he were making sm
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 노은동룸싸롱 관저동룸싸롱
all talk.“For now, it’s just a proposal. There is no force. However, if you do
not receive the offer, you will then be transported to the Soviet home c
ountry. “Your loyalty to your country is to be commended, but I think yo
u should accept this offer for your own sake.”