대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동대구비지니스룸싸롱 동성로정통룸싸롱 황금동룸싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동대구비지니스룸싸롱 동성로정통룸싸롱 황금동룸싸롱
As expected, you have good sense. The video lasts about 3 min
utes and ends. But Won Seong-min said nothing. Instead, he w
atched us, contemplating something.Kim Taeyoung and I blink
at that sight. How much time has passed? Won Seong-min see
med to have finished his worries and spoke to me and Kim T
ae-young.“It’s vacation time at Seolwon Arts High School soon
, right?””yes.”“Then is there anything to do during vacation?”
“I don’t have anything in particular.”“What about Hajun?”“I hav
e something else to prepare.”“Hmm.”Won Seong-min lets out
a groan, as if he is disappointed. And after taking a sip of wat
er, he continued speaking.“If it’s okay, would you like to work
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동대구비지니스룸싸롱 동성로정통룸싸롱 황금동룸싸롱
with me during vacation?””yes?”“I’m in a band. But the band d
ecided to do a small project this time. It’s about making a na
me for myself by working with unknown guest vocalists, some
thing like that.””ah.”“I think it would be great to have Taeyoung
as one of the guest vocalists. And Hajun, I would like to compo
se with him. As you know, it is difficult for him to compose a s
ong on his own in many ways.”“······Oh, but we are students?”
“It doesn’t matter. Most of the guest vocalists I decided to w
rk with are amateurs.”Did you do something like that at Blue
Aca? I don’t remember. But if Won Seong-min’s words are true,
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동대구비지니스룸싸롱 동성로정통룸싸롱 황금동룸싸롱
this is an incredibly big opportunity. Blue Aka is not that famo
us in Korea, but it is still a band with a solid fan base.Above a
ll, it is being recognized abroad as an album with experimenta
l challenges and high perfection. I can’t believe I can work wit
h Blue Aka like that. Taeyoung Kim thought for a moment an
d then said.“I want to do it.”And looks at me.As if asking, “W
at are you going to do?”“When do I have to start doing th
at?”“I plan to make a song as a project once a month. It’s a
long-term project. Ha-jun can join whenever he wants. On th
e other hand, Tae-young doesn’t have time, so it would be b
etter to work on it during vacation.”