대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전야간알바 대전당일알바 둔산동룸알바
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전야간알바 대전당일알바 둔산동룸알바
The person who muttered something that seemed like a joke so se
riously that it could not be thought of as a joke was the 6th Fleet
Commander Olivia Aznable, who was opening magic wave commu
ication.Bridge of the 4th Fleet flagship. The 4th and 6th fleets, whic
h form the two wings of the vanguard fleet, are responsible for dro
pping the 2nd and 3rd battle dragoons following the 5th fleet in th
is operation, so the 4th fleet, which becomes the 3rd line in turn, In
reality, it is a chase after the outcome of the fight has been decided,
or a reserve force that will take charge of the battle if this side brea
ks down.Since it was a fleet maneuver in a narrow mountainous are
a, the fleet headquarters on the left and right wings maintained two
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전야간알바 대전당일알바 둔산동룸알바
-way magic wave communication to prevent discrepancies in each u
nit’s movements.Until about Sabangak, qanat was also included here
. Currently, the 5th Fleet is already in the middle of dropping comba
t dragoons, and the magic waves of communication are being stopp
ed in order to concentrate on command.Orrick let out a groan of d
issatisfaction at the words of a female admiral of the same age as him.
She said, “I really want to know what your opinion is on me… … Any
way, it’s good. Of course, it’s not cool to give up a criminal record.”
After saying that and looking like she was thinking for a moment, th
e red-haired admiral opened her mouth a little while later.“Even if it is
a victory, it is difficult for a fleet that has conducted an airlift operation
to continue the war. Pursuit and expansion of the battle will be under
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 대전야간알바 대전당일알바 둔산동룸알바
taken by later units. In the end, it’s me.”「… … But, isn’t that a bit low
compared to the honor of the Order of Merit?”The 6th Fleet Admiral,
who was there as an illusion, tilted her head faintly and asked.The be
havior of this female admiral, who has a history of being from the Te
mple Knights, seems to be somehow fake.Even though she is a femal
e admiral, unlike Kanat, her delicate white skin conjures up a somewh
at morbid image, and her facial features give off a doll-like vibe.Her ex
pression seems somewhat sleepy, and even though she is in the middl
e of a battle, she looks drowsy.More than that, she said, Admiral Lee wa
s always like this, and she had never seen him show his likes and dislike
s as clearly as Orrick did.When I made a small noise, Orrick responded
bluntly.“It’s not fun to hit a border soldier with weak shoulders. “My prey
is the main force of the magic army behind me.”When I say that, I
smile cruelly