Perfecting Close-Up Photos
When you take close-up photos, a shaky hand and bad lighting show up even more. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to perfect a close-up photo, whatever the subject matter is.
Set Up the Subject Matter
Put the subject matter where you want it to be first, so that you can move the camera in for the shot, as close to it as you want. That way you don’t have to worry about setting up the shot all over.
Determine the Background
With close shots you will not be able to determine what the background is because it will be so close. The background colours do matter and should be in contrast to the subject matter to ensure that you can see it well enough.
Consider the Shot
When you are setting up the subject matter, decide what you most want to show in the shot. Do you want to show the words on a penny or do you want to show the penny? Looking through the lens at what the camera sees will be helpful to getting the best shot. If you can’t see it, neither can the lens.
Use a Tripod
Since any shaking will show up more with a close-up shot, you want to be sure to use a tripod to keep the camera steady. You’ll be glad you did it because no matter how still you are, the tripod is better.
Set the Focus
You want to use macro mode, which enables the camera to photograph clearly images that are close to the lens. It’s great for taking sharp images of flowers, insects, small items, or anything an inch or so from the camera.
Turn off the Flash
For any close image the flash is not helpful, it will actually ruin the shot. Turn it off so you don’t have to worry about it and use other types of lighting for your shot, often reflecting off the image.
Set Up Lighting
Use some kind of diffused light so that you don’t have too many shadows. Better still, use natural light if available. That will be one less thing to worry about.
Set the Timer
The timer is important, without it, when you press the shutter you’ll likely move the camera. Set the shot up and then activate the timer, for a better image . Alternatively, you could use a remote cable.
With these tips you can take excellent close-up photos. The main thing is to experiment and learn for better results.