대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 유성룸보도 대전보도사무실

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 유성룸보도 대전보도사무실
Thoravald thought as he watched the battle of the Red Army, c
rushing the invading rebels using humane tactics and overwhel
ming firepower, up close.Operation of the military. Advanced gr
oup tactics. And above all, the overwhelming suppressive powe
of the guns equipped by the Other World Army.If it is an indivi
dual element, there will be some that can oppose even Morav
a’s magic army units.Moravian Chimera against the Iron Golem
tank.Combat magic typified by fire magic for guns.However, the
re was a decisive difference between the two groups.(If we fight
without worrying about such sacrifices, our magic army… no, the
army of this world will sooner or later lose the ability to contin
ue the war.)Thoravald unconsciously looked into the air.On eart
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 유성룸보도 대전보도사무실
h, how many Moravians are aware of this fact?The problem is no
t the gap in national power, population, or level of civilization.
The social and industrial base of a country that supplies its vast
military force—certainly a big factor, but not decisive.The structu
re of such an alien country itself, even if it is impossible at the m
oment, is not impossible if it takes time to explain and recreate
it in this world.Differences between the Red Army and the Mora
vian Army. It is a difference in the underlying technology of civil
ization.Artillery, firearms, aircraft, and tanks.Compared to the So
viet Red Army, which uses the assets of these scientific civilizati
ons, the basis of the Moravian magic army’s power is [magicia
ns] and [magic weapons].Comparing pure combat ability… … Ce
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 유성룸보도 대전보도사무실
rtainly, some elite units of the Moravian Magic Army can surpas
s an enemy army of the same size.However, while it was possibl
e to replenish the power lost in fighting with the Red Army, it w
as completely impossible.Originally, magic civilization or magic tec
hnology was a technological system that depended on the existe
nce of people with special abilities called [magicians], and even
if mana, the source of power, could be used inexhaustibly, the n
umber of magicians who could handle it was limited.Before indu
trial fortunes, the only ones who could carry out production activ
ities were magicians who relied on innate talent—magic power, an
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 유성룸보도 대전보도사무실
d most of the development of new technologies was done by sec
ret magicians who depended on technology from the [past] calle
d relics (artifacts) of ancient ruins. Civilization, like scientific civili
zation, has a wide base and no growth.This is a fact that a man
at the top of secret magic, who is said to be the greatest maste
r of necromantic magic, realized because he knew the limits
nd end of magic civilization.【Versatility】(As long as the secret ma
gic is the foundation of the nation… we, the people of Moravia, w
ill surpass the people of this world.