대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 둔산동유흥알바 전주룸보도
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 둔산동유흥알바 전주룸보도
■ ■ ■Beria immediately summoned his subordinates, conducted a
thorough examination of the authenticity of the information, and then
sent a report to the Kremlin in the form of an urgent contact.“So, how
do you evaluate this?”Stalin’s voice coming through the receiver sho
wed his irritation that could not be hidden.It would have been nice t
o say it was already late at night, but for Stalin, who was basically a
octurnal person, this was the time when he would have been having
fun at a dinner party in normal times.The cause of the annoyance c
learly lay in the content of the NKVD’s report.”comrade. Of all the in
formation we have received since the start of this war, this is particu
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 둔산동유흥알바 전주룸보도
larly clear. “If the hardliners succeed in seizing power through this c
oup, it will be a very unpleasant situation for our country.”Beria spo
ke his thoughts as he heard Stalin’s words over the phone.The imp
ortant point in this incident is the relationship between the main e
vangelists to the Moravian homeland and the Ganghwa faction.
In other words, it was an explosive action by the hardliners who
thought that it would be difficult to turn the situation around by
ordinary means against the Ganghwa faction, which was the ma
jority faction.Of course, if this was an isolated terrorist act, the So
viet Union would not be concerned.However, according to the mo
nitoring team’s report, there was unusual agitation in the Moravi
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 둔산동유흥알바 전주룸보도
an diplomatic corps.Considering the situation in the royal capital a
scertained through wiretapping records, it seems like a situation w
here if something goes wrong, the current regime of the Ganghw
a faction could be overthrown.If such a situation occurs, the pea
ce conference currently underway will completely collapse, and
the war schedule for the Great Moravia War will be delayed by
several months until the end of the war.“Is there a possibility t
hat this commotion itself is a plot—the Moravian side’s last st
ruggle to buy time?”“There is no evidence to deny that possibi
lity, but… … Considering the power difference between Pia, I d
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 둔산동룸알바 둔산동유흥알바 전주룸보도
on’t think such a performance would be very meaningful in the
grand scheme of things.”Tsk tsk tsk.「… … Summarize the repor
s to date and go straight to work at the Kremlin. Stavka’s gen
erals are also summoned. “We must choose a response urge
tly.”“Yes, I’m leaving immediately.”Almost as soon as I politely a
nswered, the phone hung up.