대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로비지니스룸싸롱 동대구노래방 황금동풀싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로비지니스룸싸롱 동대구노래방 황금동풀싸롱
.A stage that covered a ballad singer’s song, a stage tha
t covered a sexy concept. Jin So-hyang mainly looks at
them and nods.Jin So-hyang’s stage presence is very o
utstanding. It’s not just about dancing well. What shoul
d I say about this? Should I say that I have good eyes?
Those eyes that look like they’re going to eat the camera.
And when he lightly licks his lips or moves his eyes, each
and every one of them attracts attention.Has Hwayangyeo
nhwa been around for about two years? So, Jin Sohyang
has been working as an idol since she was 15 years old.
For about a year and a half of those years, she was clos
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로비지니스룸싸롱 동대구노래방 황금동풀싸롱
e to obscurity.Hwayangyeonhwa began to make their na
me known when the song 『Rough』 released about 9 mo
nths ago became popular. And with her next album she’
s completely broke and she’s becoming a top idol.Anyway,
Jin So-hyang’s effort is visible on stage. Hmm, should I d
o it with a sexy concept? As she slowly makes up her m
ind, she plays her last video.”······uh?”Did Jin So-hyang per
form on a stage like this? I am amazed while watching he
r performance. Is this okay? Prepare some accessories and
dress a little like that. And what if your makeup is a little
thicker than usual?“Are you okay?”I was just imagining it
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로비지니스룸싸롱 동대구노래방 황금동풀싸롱
n her head, but a very nice picture was drawn. No, is this r
eally worth a try? After turning on the composition progra
m, she starts arranging.First, she transcribes the entire mel
ody of the song that comes to mind into a virtual instrum
ent. It’s okay to throw it away later. If I perform just the wa
y I think right now, I may be called a destroyer of the origin
al, but it will definitely be an unconventional performance.
Yes, an incredibly unconventional stage.EP9 – Giat Killing (2)
30.In other words, Jin So-hyang does not like the song 『Rou
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로비지니스룸싸롱 동대구노래방 황금동풀싸롱
gh』 very much. She doesn’t have much of a reason for it. S
he just cringes.She is not only Jin Xiaohyang. The other fou
r members of Hwayangyeonhwa also don’t like 『Rough』 very
much. In particular, she was extremely embarrassed by the fa
ct that she had to wear her school uniform again on stage, e
pecially for the adult members.